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If you are a family member or health professional of a person with severe dementia who has suffered from unrecognized or undertreated pain and you would like your story to appear on our website, we would love to hear from you. Please send us a summary of the story along with your name, email address and other information so that we can contact you for more details, if needed.  Generally, we will change the names and identifying information to make sure that the privacy of the person with dementia and of others involved in the story are protected. Although we will make an effort to publish many stories on the website, we may not be able to publish all of them. For more information contact Louise Castillo. 

Share your story below

I understand that my story may be edited for flow and to remove identifying information. I grant permission to the team to include my story (modified or as submitted) on their website. I can have my story removed at any time by emailing Louise Castillo and Janine Beahm.

Thanks for submitting!

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